September, 8 is celebrated as INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY. This day was started by UNESCO to highlight the importance of learning to read and write. Millions of adults and children still struggle with basic reading and writing skills. International literacy day theme for 2024 is ” PROMOTING MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION:LITERACY FOR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND PEACE” focusing on learning in different languages. To celebrate the day under the guidance of ADULT EDUCATION UNIT, UT ,CHANDIGARH our school conducted a week long awareness programs of ‘ULLAS Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram’ scheme sponsored by GOI from 1 to 8 September 2024 :

  1. Poster making 2.9.24
  2. Slogan writing 3.9.24
  3. Pledge 4.9.24
  4. Awareness Rally 5.9.24
  5. Rangoli making 6.9.24
  6. Speech on Promoting Literacy through Multilingualism 7.9.24

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